2021 RB Election Thoughts & Endorsements

Election season is upon us for Redondo Beach, and many residents have called or emailed to ask for my endorsements or opinion.


Let me preface this by saying that, I never imagined, when I chose to run for city council, how nasty and divisive it could be at the local level. I had become accustomed to it at the state and federal level… but local? As far as I was concerned – I was nothing more than a resident, volunteer and local small business owner who wanted to do what I could to ensure Redondo Beach will continue to be a wonderful place to live in the future, especially for my kids. But the attacks on me, my family, my business, the endorsements and donations I received etc. started almost immediately from people I had never met or had a conversation with. They labeled me as  they wanted and thanks to social media coupled with their consistent attacks in mail and at the door… many people still believe those stories and lies to this day. None of it was true then or now. But the divide continues to be perpetuated by some elected officials directly or through their closest friends and followers.


So with that said – lets start with the 3 elections District 3 gets to vote on:


Redondo Beach Mayor


I am NOT endorsing a second term for Mr. Brand. While he has been nothing short of passionate about his one cause, land use, it has, in my opinion, prevented him from being a unifier or true leader in the 12 years he has served the city. Many of his most fervent supporters will disagree with that… but his myopic and at times vindictive approach, prevents us from moving forward. While he and I actually agree on a host of things, I do not believe he is the figurehead that our city needs. I have plenty of other thoughts on this  – but out of respect, will end my comments here. If anyone wants to discuss privately – don’t hesitate to reach out.



Chris Voisey –  voisey4rbmayor.org




Redondo Beach City Attorney – Mike Webb – https://www.webb4rb.com


I am endorsing Mike Webb for a final term as City Attorney. I did not know Mike until I was elected and soon developed a deep respect for the thoughtfulness and care he and his team take in providing the best legal advice to the Council – whom ultimately make all decisions.  I trust Mike Webb to provide fair, balanced and unbiased legal advice to myself and the City Council on any issue related to municipal matters. His broad experience and knowledge is a valuable asset which in turn protects the city from lawsuits. I also celebrate his willingness to undertake projects with his team that help us creatively solve existing issues and/or proactively find legal foundations upon which policies, that will continue to improve the quality of life for all residents, can be enacted.


There have been months of attacks on Mr. Webb’s salary. And sadly – most of them have focused on an incorrect dollar amount that includes his eventual pension liabilities. So let me state clearly here that the City Council determines the salary of  the City Attorney every 4 years. This City Council just did so a few months ago based on salary surveys of other City Attorneys around the state  (elected, appointed or contracted.) The current approved salary will remain in effect until 2025 when a future council will again make a similar determination. His opponent cannot alter the salary as he is promising without either a charter change (which requires a vote of the people) or the concurrence of a future Council.


I am disappointed to see his opponent use the same divisive and negative tactics mentioned above versus simply stating why and how he would be a better, more experienced City Attorney than Mr. Webb.




Redondo Beach School Board


I am endorsing 3 candidates for the 3 open seats. They are: Dan Elder, Rachel Silverman Nemeth and Kim Isaacs. I believe each of them will bring a unique perspective to the Board and serve students/residents well.



Other Races:

For those of you who live in the other 3 Districts that have Council Races, I believe each council member should be an independent voice, not a member of a slate or representing one specific special interest. The point is to have 5 unique perspectives on the dais that, in a fully transparent and public meeting, has to find a way to come to consensus, if possible, on any given issue. When you hear the Mayor or South Redondo incumbents say things like “we need this person to get our way…” or any language to that affect… it shows a desire to have predetermined outcomes. That is not transparent nor representative of the majority of residents.


When I was first elected – I had no friendships / relationships with the other Council Members or Mayor. I had met some of them, as one might, at events around the city. But that was the extent of any “connection.” I met Laura Emdee in late 2014 for the first time because we were both running for office. The only newer Councilmember I had developed a friendship with is Councilmember Gran. He and I met volunteering  for various organizations in the business community. He volunteered on my first campaign and ultimately decided to run for office 2 years later.


As a result of the Brown Act – I am only able to discuss a future agenda item or issue with ONE Councilmember. I enjoy working with both Councilmembers Emdee and Gran when I have because, for the most part, we don’t see eye to eye on most issues. But what happens in a discussion with either of them is a true back-n-forth. I listen to whomever I am Brown-acted with and they listen to me. We then work to the best of our ability towards consensus. Sometimes that happens and other times it does not. But there is a mutual respect and that is what is most important. The Council has to find common ground and compromise. And most issues are not simply black and white. There is a ton of nuance and complexity to any decision and that doesn’t even account for the public participation and input.


District 4 – John Gran – https://www.johngran.com


I am endorsing John Gran for his second and final term. Despite the hollow accusations of his opponent, John has been a champion for the Aviation/Artesia Corridors and his District before he was even elected. He has been a constant drumbeat for the resident’s concerns and, like myself and Councilwoman Emdee, has also worked to bring more focus back to North Redondo. We’ve had many small successes but there is still much to do… and I hope to continue supporting the momentum that has been gained in the past 5+ years.


His opponent, who recently moved into the District,  is spending a pretty penny to unseat him, just a year after he tried to recall Mr. Gran in collaboration with Rescue Our Waterfront President, Wayne Craig. (460 – Recall Committee 07012019 12312019  | 460 – Recall Committee 01012020 06302020)  I highly recommend giving Mr. Gran a second term.



District 1 – Brad Waller – https://elect.bradwaller.com


I am endorsing Brad Waller against the current incumbent. He is finishing up two terms serving on the RBUSD and many years prior to that serving on local PTA’s. I have only gotten to know Brad a little in the past 5 years professionally since we work at times with the School Board. I have come to know him as whip-smart, always prepared, thoughtful, and willing to actually get in the weeds and do the hard work. Like myself, he is not one to run around tooting his own horn. He understands how to work collaboratively and respectfully. I don’t think you will ever hear him vilify or attack fellow members, staff or residents… and our council could use a healthy re-injection of civility and decorum. I believe he will actually work harder for all the District 1 residents and the city overall…. much in the same way he did for the children who attend our schools.



District 2
I am NOT endorsing the incumbent in this election. There are two other candidates running against Mr. Loewenstein.
Erika Snow Robinson – https://elect.erikasnowrobinson.com
Paul Moses – http://moses4rb.com